Submitted papers
Published Peer-reviewed papers
73. Z. Liu, P. Kumar Farsoiya, S. Perrard, and L. Deike (2024). Direct numerical simulations of bubbles rising in turbulence. In press. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
72. P. Kumar Farsoiya, S. Popinet, H.A. Stone and L. Deike (2024). A coupled Volume of Fluid Phase Field method for direct numerical simulation of insoluble surfactant laden interfacial flows and application to rising bubbles. In press. Physical Review Fluids.
71. J. Eshima, L. Deike and H.A. Stone (2024). Thin film flow due to an asymmetric distribution of surface tension. In press. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
70. W. Xu, Z. Wang, B. Mei, M.A. Erinin, M. Shyam Kumar, Y. Xu, J. Hong, L. Deike and Y. Ju (2024). Repetitive autoignition and extinction instability of non-premixed n-dodecane spray cool flam. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40.
69. D.B. Shaw, and L. Deike (2024). Film drop production over a wide range of liquid conditions. Physical Review Fluids, 9, 033602.
68. A. Aiyer, L. Deike and M.E. Mueller (2024). A dynamic wall modeling approach for Large Eddy Simulations of offshore wind farms in realistic oceanic conditions. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 16.
67. X. Zhou, L. Romero, B. Reichl and L. Deike (2023). A sea state dependent gas transfer velocity for CO2 unifying theory, model and field data. Earth and Space Science, 10.
66. D.B. Shaw, Q. Li, J.K. Nunes and L. Deike (2023). Ocean emissions of microplastic. PNAS Nexus, 2, 10.
65. M. Erinin, C. Liu, X. Liu, W. Mostert, L. Deike (2023), and J. Duncan. The effect of surfactant on plunging breakers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 972, R5.
64. P. Kumar Farsoiya, Z. Liu, A. Daiss, R.O. Fox and L. Deike (2023). Role of viscosity in turbulent drop break-up. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 972, A11.
63. J.L. Wilson, A.A. Pahlavan, M.A. Erinin, L. Deike and H.A. Stone (2023). Aerodynamics of drops on parallel fibers: alignments, repulsion and coalescence. Nature Physics.
62. J. Wu, S. Popinet and L. Deike (2023). Breaking wave statistics with a multilayer model. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 968 A12.
61. M.A. Erinin, B. Neel, M. Mazzatenta, J. Duncan, and L. Deike (2023). Comparison between shadow imaging and in-line holography for measuring droplet size distribution. Experiments in Fluids, 64 96.
60. C. Graziani, M. Nespoulous, R. Denoyel, S. Fauve, C. Chauveau, L. Deike, and M. Antoni (2023). A new experimental setup for aerosol stability investigations in microgravity conditions. Comptes Rendus Mecaniques de l’Academie des Sciences.
59. P. Kumar Farsoiya, Q. Magdeleine, A. Antkowiak, S. Popinet and L. Deike (2023). Direct numerical simulations of bubble mediated gas transfer and dissolution in quiescent and turbulent flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 954 A29.
58. A. Aiyer, L. Deike and M.E. Mueller (2023). A sea surface based drag model for Large Eddy Simulation of wind wave interaction. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 80 (1), 49-62.
57. Y. Shin, L. Deike, and L. Romero (2022). Modulation of bubble mediated CO2 Gas Transfer due to wave current interaction. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100017.
56. E. Villermaux, X. Wang and L. Deike (2022). Bubble spray aerosols: certitudes and mysteries. PNAS Nexus (1).
55. P. Kumar Farsoiya, S. Popinet and L. Deike (2022). Direct numerical simulations of dilute gas transfer by breaking waves. Physical Review Fluids, 7 110506. (invited paper, gallery of fluid motion 2021 award).
54. J. Wu, S. Popinet and L. Deike (2022). Revisiting wind wave growth with fully-coupled direct numerical simulations. J. Fluid Mech. 951 A18.
53. L. Deike, B. Reichl and F. Paulot (2022). A mechanistic sea spray generation function based on the sea state and the physics of bubble bursting. AGU Advances, 3 e2022AV000750. (Editor highlight featured in EOS).
52. B. Neel and L. Deike (2022). Velocity and size quantification of drops in single and collective bursting bubbles experiments. Physical Review Fluids, 7 103603. (Editor’s suggestion).
51. D.J. Ruth, A. Aiyer, A. Riviere, S. Perrard and L. Deike (2022). Experimental observations and modeling of sub-Hinze bubble production by turbulent bubble break-up. J. Fluid Mech. 951 A32.
50. A. Riviere, D.J. Ruth, W. Mostert, L. Deike and S. Perrard (2022). Capillary driven fragmentation of large bubbles in turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 7 083602.
26. D.J. Ruth, W. Mostert, S. Perrard and L. Deike. Bubble pinch-off by turbulence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019).
25. E. Turkoz, A. Perazzo, L. Deike, H.A. Stone and CB Arnold (2019). Deposition on contact regime and the effect of donor-acceptor distance during laser-induced forward transfer of viscoelastic liquids. Optical Materials Express, 9.7. 2738-2747.
24. E. Turkoz, SY Kang, X. Du, L. Deike and CB Arnold (2019). Reduction of transfer threshold energy for laser-induced jetting of liquids using Faraday waves, Physical Review Applied, 11, 054022.
22. L. Deike and W.K. Melville, (2018). Gas transfer by breaking waves. Geophysical Review Letters, 45.
21. C-Y Lai, J. Eggers and L. Deike, (2018). Bubble bursting: universal cavity and jet profiles. Physical Review Letters, 121, 144501.
20. E. Turkoz, SY Kang, L. Deike, and C. Arnold (2018). Subthreshold laser jetting via flow-focusing in laser induced forward transfer, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 082201 (R).
19. E. Turkoz, J. Lopez-Herrerra, J. Eggers, C. Arnold and L. Deike (2018). Axisymmetric Simulation of Viscoelastic Filament Thinning with the Oldroyd-B Model, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids, 851 R2
18. A. Niewiarowski, S. Adriaenssens, R. Marcelo Pauletti, K. Addi and L. Deike (2018). Modeling underwater cable structures subject to breaking waves, Ocean Engineering, 164, 199-211.
17. M. Berhanu, E. Falcon and L. Deike (2018). Turbulence of capillary waves forced by steep gravity waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 850, pp. 803-843.
16. L. Deike and E. Ghabache and G. Liger-Belair and A. K. Das and S. Zaleski and S. Popinet and T. Seon. (2018) Phys. Rev. Fluids. The dynamics of jets produced by bursting bubbles, 2, 013603.
11. N. Pizzo, L. Deike and W.K. Melville. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. (2016)Current generation by deep-water breaking waves. vol 803 pp 275 – 291.
10. L. Deike, W. K. Melville and S. Popinet. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.(2016). Air entrainment and bubble statistics in breaking waves. vol 801, pp 91- 129.
9. F. Haudin, A. Cazaubiel, L. Deike, T. Jamin, E. Falcon, and M. Berhanu. Physical Review E.(2016)
Experimental study of three-wave interactions among capillary-gravity surface waves, vol 93, p 043110.
8. L. Deike, B. Miquel, P. Gutierrez, T. Jamin, B. Semin, M. Berhanu, E. Falcon and F. Bonnefoy. (2015) Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Role of the basin boundary conditions in gravity wave turbulence, vol 781, p196-225.
7. S. Perrard, L. Deike, C. Duschesne and C-T. Pham. Physical Review E (R) (2015). Capillary solitons on a levitated medium, vol 92, p 011002.
6. L. Deike, S. Popinet and W. K. Melville. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2015). Capillary effects on wave breaking, vol 769, p541-569.
5. L. Deike, D. Fuster, M. Berhanu and Eric Falcon. Physical Review Letters (2014). Direct numerical simulation of capillary wave turbulence, vol 112, p 234501.
4. L. Deike, M. Berhanu and Eric Falcon. Physical Review E (2014). Energy flux measurement from the dissipated energy in capillary wave turbulence, vol 89, p 023003.
3. L. Deike, J. C. Bacri and E. Falcon. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2013). Non linear waves on the surface of a fluid covered by an elastic sheet, vol 733, p 394-413.
2. L. Deike, M. Berhanu and E. Falcon. Physical Review E (2012). Decay of capillary wave turbulence, vol 85, p 066311.
1. L. Deike, C. Laroche and E. Falcon. European Physics Letters (2011). Experimental study of the inverse cascade in gravity wave turbulence, vol 96, p 34004.
5. H.H. Williams, A. Aiyer, L. Deike, and M.E. Mueller (2024). Examining relative impacts of atmospheric and oceanic factors on offshore wind farm. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2767 062001. Proceedings from the 10th edition of The Science of Making Torque from Wind’ (TORQUE).
4. W. Xu, B. Mei, Z. Wang, M. A. Erinin, L. Deike, & Y. Ju (2024). The role of preferential vaporization in bi-component n-dodecane/iso-octane non-premixed spray cool and hot flames. 2024 AIAA SciTech, Orlando, Florida, January 8-12, 2024.
3. A. Aiyer, L. Deike, and M.E. Mueller (2022). A wall-modeled approach accounting for wave stress in Large Eddy Simulations of offshore wind farms. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2265 022013. Proceedings from the 9th edition of The Science of Making Torque from Wind’ (TORQUE).
2. L. Deike and E. Falcon, (2012). Proceedings of the 15th French Non Linear Physics Conference. Turbulence d’ondes gravito-elastique (in french).
1. L. Deike, C. Laroche and E. Falcon, (2011). Proceedings of the 14th French Non Linear Physics Conference. Cascade inverse et d\’eclin de la turbulence d’ondes gravito-capillaires. (in french).
L. Deike. Etudes experimentales et numeriques de la turbulence d’ondes de surface (in french). 2013.