
I am Associate Professor at Princeton University, in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department and the High Meadows Environmental Institute.

We work on fundamental fluid dynamics with an emphasis on non-linear and multi-scale systems. I am focusing on fundamental physics problems, motivated by their importance in environmental and industrial applications, as diverse as the statistics of waves in the ocean, the importance of small scale waves on ocean remote sensing, floating ice sheets, gas transfer by surface breaking waves in the ocean, sea spray aerosol generation, aerosol process and nucleation in the atmosphere, particles dynamics in turbulence, as well as the importance of waves in offshore wind energy.

We design and develop complementary laboratory and numerical experiments to propose simple physical models describing the processes at play.


September 2024: Clara and Sam got a MAE second year fellowships, while Zehua got the MAE Harari fellowship. Congrats!

September 2024: Alienor defended her PhD in Paris! Congrats Alienor!

September 2024: Baptiste is starting as Maitre de Conference at University Aix-Marseille. Congrats!

September 2024: Palas’ paper on implementing surfactant transport coupled with Marangoni forces is published in Physical Review Fluids. Congrats Palas!

August 2024: Jun’s paper on Thin film flow due to an asymmetric distribution of surface tension has been published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Jun!

May 2024: Reese Knopp was awarded for her senior thesis the 2024 Andlinger Center Senior Thesis Prize in Energy and the Environment; as well as the Sigma Xi Book Award from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Her senior thesis dealt with microplastics scavening by rising bubbles. Congrats Reese!

May 2024: Martin will start as a faculty at University of Michigan in the Mechanical Engineering department in January 2025! Congrats Martin!

March 2024: Palas is starting as faculty at IIT Roorkee in the Chemical Engineering Department! Congrats Palas! Thank you for all your achievements at Princeton!

February 2024: The group is presenting at the 2024 AGU Ocean Sciences meeting, with talks and poster by Jiarong Wu, Nicolo Scapin, Megan Mazzantenta and Xiaohui Zhou.

January 2024: Aditya’s paper on modeling offshore wind farm is published in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy! Congrats!

November 2023: We are honored to receive the Frenkiel Award for Fluid Dynamics, for our work on bubble fragmentation. Congratulations to Alienor Riviere, Stephane Perrard, Dan Ruth, Wouter Mostert for this amazing work! The award will be presented at APS-DFD meeting in Washington DC and Alienor will give an invited talk on Capillary driven fragmentation of large gas bubbles!

November 2023: The group is presenting at the ADS-DFD meeting in Washington DC, check out our talks on waves, drops, bubbles!

November 2023: Xiaohui’s paper on modeling the gas transfer is published in Earth and Space Sciences! Congrats!

October 2023: Dan’s paper on microplastics emissions by the oceans is published in PNAS Nexus! Congrats!

October 2023: Martin’s paper on the effect of surfactant on breaking waves is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids! Congrats!

September 2023: Palas and Zehua’s paper on the role of viscosity on drop break-up in turbulence is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics! Congrats!

August 2023: Many congratulations to Dr. Dan Shaw for passing his FPO!

August 2023: Many congratulations to Dr. Jiarong Wu for passing her FPO!

August 2023: Jiarong’s paper on modeling breaking wave statistics is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics! Congrats!

July 2023: Congratulations to Megan for getting the Larisse Rosentweig Klein Memorial Award from the MAE department!

July 2023: Congratulations to Jun for getting a MAE department 2nd year fellowship!

July 2023: Congratulations to Zehua for getting a MAE department 2nd year fellowship!

May 2023: we hosted the 29th WISE meeting in Princeton!

March 2023: Part of the group presented their work at the APS March Meeting in Las Vegas!

January 2023: Part of the group presented their work at AMS Air-Sea Interaction meeting in Denver!

January 2023: Our work published in AGU Advances has been chosen as editor highlight and featured in EOS, see A new approach to sea spray aerosol production and prediction

January 2023: Palas’ paper on gas dissolution in turbulence is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Palas!

January 2023: Aditya’s paper on a sea state drag model is published in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Congrats Aditya!

December 2022: our paper on a sea spray generation function by bubble bursting, in collaboration with Brandon Reichl and Fabien Paulot from NOAA-GFDL is published in AGU Advances!

November 2022: Dan’s paper on experimental characterization and modeling of sub-Hinze scale bubble production from large air cavity fragmentation is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics! Congrats Dan!

November 2022: Palas’ invited paper as part of the 2021 Gallery of Fluid motion award is published in Physical Review Fluids! Congrats Palas!

November 2022: Jiarong’s paper on wind waves growth under turbulent forcing is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Jiarong!

October 2022: Baptiste’s paper on jet drop size and velocity is published in Physical Review Fluids as editors choice! Congrats Baptiste.

September 2022: Jiarong wins the SEAS award for excellence! Congrats Jiarong.

August 2022: Alienor’s paper providing a theoretical explanation for the size distribution of bubbles below the Hinze scale is published in Physical Review Fluids! Congrats Alienor!

August 2022: Dan Ruth’s paper on entrainment and drift of bubbles under wind forced breaking waves is published in Geophysical Research Letters! Congrats Dan!

July 2022: Dan Ruth is starting his new position as postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich!

July 2022: Congratulations to Sheetal for completing her MSc!

June 2022: Martin’s paper on the speed and acceleration of droplets formed by breaking waves is published in Geophysical Research Letters! Congrats Martin!

May 2022: Wouter’s breaking wave paper is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics! Congrats Wouter!

April 2022: Many congratulations to Dr. Dan Ruth for passing his FPO!

January 2022: Congratulations to Megan for passing the general exam!

January 2022: Baptiste’s paper on optimal drop production by bubble bursting in contaminated water has been published in Geophysical Research Letters! Congrats!

November 2021: Many congratulations to Palas for winning the Gallery of Fluid Motion Milton Van Dyke award at the 2021 APS-DFD meeting! You can find Palas’ poster here.

November 2021: We presented at APS-DFD 2021 in Phoenix! Check out the program here. Congratulations to all the group’s speakers for great presentations (Jiarong, Dan^2, Baptiste, Alienor, Palas, Aditya, Megan, Martin).

October 2021: Our annual review of fluid mechanics on Mass transfer at the ocean-atmosphere interface: the role of wave breaking, droplets and bubbles is online!

September 2021: Wouter Mostert starts his new position as faculty at Oxford!

September 2021: Congratulations to Jiarong for receiving the Harari fellowship!

September 2021: Jiarong’s paper on the growth of viscous wind waves is published in Physical Review Fluids! Congrats Jiarong!

August 2021: Dan’ paper on bubbles rising in turbulence is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics! Congrats Dan!

August 2021: We got awarded a NSF grant to work on Sea state dependent gas transfer formulation and spectral wave modeling!

June 2021: Palas’ paper on bubble mediated transfer of dilute gas in turbulence is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics! Congrats Palas!

May 2021: Our paper on the statistics of jet drop production is published in Geophysical Research Letters!

May 2021: Luc receives the Alfred Rheinstein faculty award from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences!

April 2021: Baptiste’ paper on collective bubble dynamics at an air water interface is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Baptiste!

April 2021: Alienor’ paper on bubble break-up and sub-Hinze scale production is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Alienor as well as the co-authors, Wouter and Stephane, for this work! And the piece on Bubble deformation in turbulence led by Stephane and with the same authors is in press in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics and coming soon!

March 2021: Megan got awarded the NSF graduate research fellowship! Congrats Megan!

March 2021: Dan Shaw’ paper on bubble coalescence at a free surface is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Dan!

January 2021: Emre’s paper on visco-elastic jets is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Emre!

December 2020: Dan Ruth wins the School of Engineering and Applied Science Award for Excellence.

October 2020: Check out Dan Shaw’ movie on bubble coalescence. Thanks to Aaron Nathans, SEAS digital media editor for making this happen.

October 2020: Megan Mazzatenta joins the group as graduate student. Welcome Megan!

September 2020: Dan Ruth wins the first price in MAE 2020 Research day! Congrats Dan!

September 2020: Wouter is starting as Assistant Professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Congrats Wouter!

September 2020: Martin Erinin is joining the group as postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Martin!

September 2020: Alexis Berny defended his PhD thesis in Paris on bubble bursting, co-advised by Thomas Seon and Stephane Popinet. Congrats Alexis.

May 2020: Palas Kumar Farosoiya is joining the group as postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Palas!

March 2020: Our work on the Contribution of sea-state dependent bubbles to air-sea carbon dioxide fluxes, with Brandon Reichl from NOAA-GFDL is published in Geophysical Research Letters!

February 2020: Alexis Berny paper on jet drops by bursting bubbles is published in Physical Review Fluids. Congrats Alexis!

February 2020: We are going to Ocean Sciences in San Diego, to present work on air-sea interactions, including wind waves, spray generation, wave breaking and gas transfer.

January 2020: Jiarong Wu and Dan Shaw passed their general exams. Congrats!

January 2020: Wouter Mostert paper on breaking waves in shallow water got accepted to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Wouter!

December 2019: Dan Ruth paper on Bubble pinch-off in turbulence got published in PNAS. Congrats Dan! See the story on SEAS website here and on Phys Org.

November 2019: The group is presenting at APS-DFD in Seattle, check out the talks from Dan Ruth, Dan Shaw, Francis Ogoke, Jiarong Wu, Wouter Mostert, Baptiste Neel, Alexis Berny and Luc Deike.

September 2019: Sheetal Ramsurrun joins the group as graduate student. Welcome Sheetal!

September 2019: Jiarong Wu got awarded a Second Year Fellowship by the MAE department. Congratulations Jiarong!

June 2019: Dan Shaw got awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Dan!

June 2019: the group went to the fifth Gerris-Basilisk user meeting, a workshop on numerical methods for multi-phase flows, held this year in Paris, slides and agenda of the meeting are available here.

May 2019: Emre defended his PhD thesis! Congratulations Emre!

March 2019: We got awarded a NSF grant to work on spray generation by bursting bubbles!

February 2019: We got awarded the NSF CAREER award, to work on bubble fragmentation by turbulence! See the story here.

February 2019: Alienor Riviere and Alexis Berny join the group as visiting students. Alienor is a MSc student at ENS Paris and will be staying 5 months while Alexis Berny is a PhD student at Institut d’Alembert and will be staying 4 months.

December 2018: Baptiste Neel joins the group as Postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Baptiste!

November 2018: The group presented at APS-DFD in Atlanta, with talks by Dan Ruth, Emre Turkoz, Yao Lai, Wouter Mostert and Luc Deike.

September 2018: Alumni of the group Stephane Perrard is appointed Junior Research Chair at Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. Congrats Stephane!

September 2018: Dan Shaw joins the group as PhD student. Welcome Dan!

September 2018: Yao’ paper on bursting bubble has been accepted in Physical Review Letters! Congrats Yao! Look up the story on Princeton SEAS webpage and on Phys Org and the paper is available here

August 2018: Jiarong Wu joins the team as PhD student. Welcome Jiarong!

August 2018: Emre’ paper on visco-elastic jets is published in Physical Review Fluids, congrats Emre! The paper is available here

July 2018: Emre’ paper on visco-elastic thinning is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids, congrats Emre! The paper is available here

June 2018: Yao defended her PhD thesis. Congrats Yao!

March 2018: our new paper on bubble bursting is featured on Princeton’s webpage: The paper is published in Physical Review Fluids and available here.

December 2017: Wouter Mostert joins the team as Postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Wouter!

August 2017: Dan Ruth joins the team as PhD student. Welcome Dan!